Monday, August 27, 2012


It can be difficult to figure out exactly how to quit smoking cigarettes when there is so much pressure and influence to keep at it. Don't let outside influences keep you from doing what is best for you. This article can help!
Make the choice to not smoke at all. It's easy to convince yourself during the heat of the moment that one cigarette won't hurt anything, but it can undo days, weeks, months, or years of hard work and dedication. Remember that if you cave in once, it makes it that much easier to rationalize caving in again.
Be aware of the side effects and risks of using strong medications like atropine or scopolamine. They can battle withdrawal from nicotine; however, they may affect the nervous system. Some side effects you could have are dizziness, constipation, trouble urinating, and blurred vision. Refrain from using these cessation treatments to reduce the chance for negative side effects.
It is best to avoid situations and activities where you typically would light up when you are trying to quit smoking. If you always have a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other, it's time to shake up your routine a little. Having coffee in your car, or staying out of smoky bars, can replace your craving.
If you feel like you need a cigarette immediately, then try breathing exercises to calm the craving. This relaxing task can allow you to focus on your feelings and remind yourself of your reasons for quitting. It will also push oxygen into your lungs, which can cause you to feel refreshed. It is very easy to do some deep breathing techniques, and you can do them at any point in the day.
Smoking cessation is one of the few times in your life that it's best to be a quitter! Ask any former smoker you know; he or she probably didn't succeed after just one attempt. When you quit smoking, try to refrain from smoking for as long as possible. When you do give into a cigarette, try to quit again immediately after. Just continue to quit and try to stop longer each time, and continue to learn along your journey. Eventually, you will stop for good and never light another cigarette again.
Try nicotine replacement products that are offered. Withdrawals from nicotine can cause feelings of frustration, irritability, depression and restlessness. A lot of the cravings are quite overwhelming. You can try nicotine-replacement therapy if you are having nicotine withdrawal. Incorporating nicotine gums and patches into a regimen can double the chances for success. But you should never use these nicotine replacements while you are still smoking.
When you make the decision to quit smoking, write down all of your motivating factors. There are no positive reasons to continue to smoke, and you will find that the benefits of quitting far outweigh any pleasure that you derive from smoking.
Try and determine what your smoking habits are. This will help you to eliminate temptation during the course of the day. Being prepared for cravings will give you a better chance of being able to handle them successfully.
Let your friends and acquaintances know you're trying to quit. These people will make you accountable for your goals, and thus, increase the chance that you are successful. You are not going to want to fall short of expectations and disappoint other people. Use this as a motivator to keep away from those cigarettes, even when you get stressed out.
For anyone that tries to quit smoking, the first week is always the most difficult. The first forty-eight hours of quitting are when your body sheds all the nasty nicotine you have been consuming. After that, you will experience mainly psychological cravings. This isn't easy, either, but once you are no longer physically addicted to nicotine, you'll have a much easier time resisting cravings.
Decide on something to use as a reward for yourself to reinforce your decision to quit smoking. By not smoking, you will save a significant amount of money, because you will not have to spend money on cigarettes. If you save your money, you can buy yourself a present! These little rewards can have a big impact on your ongoing motivation to quit.
The tips given in this article should give you the tools and confidence to quit smoking. Take the steps to quit instead of continuing to damage the health of yourself and those around you.

NOTE: Please visit our quitting smoking website for more tips and information

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Now-a-days, most people are aware of how dangerous smoking can be, though that does not make it any easier to quit. If you're trying to stop, you might just need a little guidance to the right path. The hints and tips in the following article may be enough to give you that extra drive you need to quit smoking successfully and permanently.
Create a list of every reason why quitting smoking is the best thing to do. Write down anything that comes to mind, no matter how big or small it may be. The next time you think about lighting up, consult your list. The list will make it easier for you to remember why you are trying to quit, and it will offer motivation.
Smoking has very strong associations with some activities, and avoiding these situations can help you stop smoking cigarettes. For instance, if you tend to smoke while driving or while drinking, it is important to adjust the way you do such things, so that do not automatically prompt you to smoke. You need to find a distraction, to think about something else.
You will almost certainly be blindsided by cravings and urges for nicotine, even when you haven't smoked for a long time. Steel yourself against taking that single puff, be resolute. Play the tape through - remind yourself of the difficulty you faced in quitting. Do you really want to go through that again?
There are many counsellors who offer services to help you quit smoking. There may be an emotional reason which makes you want to smoke. And, when these reasons are addressed, your urge to smoke could leave, too. If this is something you think you'd like to try, ask your doctor who you should speak to.
Get rid of anything that reminds you of your smoking days. Get rid of lighters, ashtrays and matches. Make sure you wash all of your clothes and clean your house thoroughly in order to take away the smoke smell. This will stop anything that reminds you of your smoking days to trigger a craving.
Motivation and a positive outlook are key to quitting. Imagine how much your life will improve after you have successfully quit smoking cigarettes. Know that your breath will be fresher, your teeth will appear cleaner and your home will smell better. Even though when people know the bad things about smoking they may get scared enough to quit, going over positive changes can help too.
You need to eat a balanced diet. Don't try and do too much at once like diet while trying to quit smoking. Follow a healthy, balanced diet. Smoking affects the taste of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and some dairy products. If you eat these items when you do not smoke, you will be doing a huge favor to your health, and it will help you stay away from those harmful cigarettes.
Replace sweets with fresh produce to prevent gaining weight as you quit smoking. This will prevent the likelihood of weight gain that is so common for people who've recently given up cigarettes. You will naturally start to crave certain foods during smoking cessation, so get ready for it and have healthy options on hand.
List things that can keep you occupied when you have a craving and put it somewhere you can get it fast. When cravings strike, any clear thoughts generally head straight out the window, so you need your list of distractions close by to combat this. Try including activities such as going for a short walk, eating carrot sticks, taking a hot bath or doing yoga.
To stop smoking and maybe getting paid to do it, try taking part in clinical studies. Many such studies compensate their participants while they test new prescription medications. Talk to a doctor about any possible risks associated with participating in a medical study before taking part in one.
Most people find smoking cessation to be very challenging, but a little advice can go a long way in helping. If you take the advice of this article seriously and apply it with persistent diligence, you will hopefully be able to succeed at quitting smoking, once and for all. You can use the tips that have been provided to improve the health of both you and your family.

NOTE: Please visit our quitting smoking website for more tips and information