Monday, February 13, 2012


Many people would like to quit smoking, but they become discouraged before they even give it a chance. It is completely possible for you to quit smoking as long as you are motivated, determined, and knowledgeable of effective strategies such as the ones provided in this article. Take some of the advice you have read, and follow it. You may find that quitting smoking is not as difficult as it seems.
Tell your friends, family and co-workers about your plans to quit smoking. The more people who know, the more people will keep you accountable. You do not want to disappoint them or fall short when it comes to their expectations. This could be exactly the motivation that you need when the going gets tough.
Be sure to eat healthy. It is not a good idea to diet while quitting smoking. You should eat in a balanced way. Some studies suggest that produce and low-fat dairy may taste bad if you're a smoker. By opting for these healthier foods, you may lose the taste for cigarettes as well.
If you do not wish to use products to help you quit smoking, you should try acupuncture. Acupuncture is the Oriental art of dealing with everyday issues using very fine needles placed at strategic parts of the body. This includes the ability to deal with cravings. While the procedure may sound painful, most patients do not experience any significant pain.
Instead of smoking, exercise. Your body will return your efforts with greater stamina and more efficient workouts as you recover from the physical damage from tobacco abuse. Your body will become stronger and stronger, and you will be less tempted to fall back on your old habits.
When attempting to stop smoking, you must think about the difficulties you have as soon as you quit. Know that people who stop smoking, oftentimes will begin to light back up within a few months of quitting. Are you often tempted to smoke when stressed? Know what your triggers are.
Be aware that cravings are likely to occur, and can even happen years after you have quit. The important thing is to resist these cravings when they occur. Keep in mind how hard it is to quit, and all the effort you put into it. You do not want to fall off the wagon.
Find a friend to quit with you! If you can find someone you trust to depend on, it will be much easier. Not only is it possible to make a support group of your own, you could find activities that replace smoking for you. You'll also be able to share information about what works and what doesn't.
Just take each day as it comes. Giving up nicotine is a slow process. Don't worry about tomorrow, next month or even next year. Approach quitting smoking, on a day-by-day basis. Give yourself credit for every day you succeed, and you might be surprised by how quickly those days turn into weeks.
Once you know what triggers your smoking impulse, you will have an easier time quitting. For a lot of people, those triggers include stress, alcohol or certain friends. Avoid your smoking triggers as much as possible. For those unavoidable triggers, develop an alternative plan to having a cigarette.
Discuss with your physician about medications you could possibly take to assist you in quitting. Take advantage of the many recent advances smoking cessation researchers have made. There are also multiple smoking treatment options to help you along the way, including prescription medications, nicotine replacement therapy and homeopathic remedies. Ask your doctor for a recommendation to help you stop smoking once and for all.
It's true that a lot of people desire to quit smoking, but a lot of them do not see themselves doing it. People who are able to quit usually have a battle plan and motivation to keep them on the right track. The tips and advice you have read here can help you create your own plan, and finally kick that habit.
NOTE: Please visit our quitting smoking website for more tips and information

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